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Easiest Ways to Decorate Your Reception Stage

27 Nov 2018

Easiest Ways to Decorate Your Reception Stage

No reception is truly complete without wedding decorations. However simple it may be, your wedding decoration can turn a boring event into a magical, once-in-a-lifetime celebration that you've always dreamed of. You don't really have to decorate every single nook and crack of your reception stage to make a huge impact, as long as you focus on a few of the basic elements you’re pretty much sorted. So before you go out there and scout for decoration ideas, equip yourself with some basic décor knowledge, especially if you’re trying to stick to a strict budget.

From flowers to lights and to all kinds of new additions, we have 6 wonderful suggestions and wedding ideas of how you can decorate your reception stage in the easiest way.


Lighting enhances the atmosphere and makes the decorations look alive. Have your lighting designer and wedding decorator work together to add little touches of light here and there to make your wedding stage look amazing.


Think flowers are just for decorating your tables? Then think again! Hanging lush arrangements a few feet above your reception stage is a fun way to create a more intimate space.


You’ll be amazed to see what a little fabric can do. Keep it elegant with white fabric, or if you're looking for a fun vibe, opt for a bright color like yellow or pink.


Use Persian styled carpets, antique chairs, brocade cushions, satin drapes and flowers with a covered canopy. You can also opt for a rose-colored or gold-colored theme to accentuate the theme of your wedding accurately.


Like suspended balloons, hang a ton of paper lanterns. Whether you illuminate the sky with them or hang from your wedding stage, these romantic globes look super pretty and will improve the illusion of a higher ceiling and greater space.


If you’re getting married in your community hall, see what decorations they have for you to use. Many have candelabras which can add sophistication to your occasion. You may not have to decorate at all if the reception stage is already adorned with flowers and greenery after a recent wedding.

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